In a few points, college final year projects can be summarized as:
· An
initiative for the self-assessment of students.
· A
vehicle which will push students towards excellence and hard work
· A
motivation for them to perform well and give their best I everything.
Therefore, students who are working or will be working on
these projects should be very focused and careful. They will have to choose
projects based on their interest and their subject of interest in accordance
with the college curriculum.
The grades are surely important, not only for
better marks, but also for higher self-confidence. The projects have a motive,
which is why they are assigned to students. Students should try to give their
best in making the best of the opportunity. Thus projects improves the communication skills,technical knowledge and individuality of the students. In spite of the amount spend for project implementation, students get great confidence in creating new projects by their own and can use it for real time applications.